Nov 10, 2010

Pursuit of speed - quick dry nail polish (Part 2)

Dear colleagues, today we will follow the project on quick dry nail polishes and I'm happy to present you two other samples which I have in my nail polish collection.

The conditions of the performed study are described in the previous publication (Part 1) and here we proceed directly to the subject

Materials and Methods
Two shades of Astor 60 Sec Ultra Diamant nail polish (unfortunately Astor web page does not provide sufficient information, but I can say that these polishes are available at dm and more info you can find here)
Astor 58 and 342 (from left to right)
I have currently shades 58 and 342 (unfortunately no fancy colour names) and I tested them both simultaneously, because they are more or less from the same metal-copper shiny group.
On the bottle is written following "High shine nail color with marine bio ceramic. Strengthens nail. Quick dry, only one coat".

I have to state first that one coat was not enough for me - I like to have with shiny colours quite good coverage, that the nail could not be seen through the polish. So I had to apply 2 coats (again 60 sec after first coat, then second and 120 sec to dry both). I like a lot the colours and can confirm that one coat is really dry after 60 sec. However as the texture is slightly thick, I would say that 2 coats surface dried out in 180 sec and not in 120. Completely dry the nails become after 4-5 min, so even touching the nails with the tip of the file did not leave any scratch.
What I would wish for this polish - to have more wide brush, because with a thin brush it is quite challenging to apply polish evenly, especially on the large nails and did not make any lines while it is drying fast.
Nice even coverage and fast drying - well done, Astor!
I would recommend this polish and going to acquire more colours, but after I run out of these 2 bottles. Overall score - 8/10.

Would I buy again? - Yes, definitely.

Thank you for your attention and we see us in the next issues

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