Nov 9, 2010

Project Primer

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! Today we will focus our attention on such obvious thing as primer or foundation base. I made some photo documentation about my current primer and would like to share my data with scientific make-up community.

The purpose of this work is to demonstrate additional (except fixing and priming) advantage of using the primer for the foundation (if any could be detected). I use since 1,5 month Clarins Instant Smooth Perfecting Touch base and think that it is a fairly good product. But what is the meaning of my personal opinion without solid evidence?!
Front and rear views of the jar (quite obvious, isn't it?)

Materials and Methods 
My face at the morning without any make-up (usual day, normal level of impurities)
Clarins Instant Smooth
Camera for pictures before and after application of primer

After application of the primer - first thing observed is "Perfecting Touch", meaning that skin feels smooth and silky, I personally like this feeling a lot, but anyway it disappears after foundation is applied.
What we were interested here - if the primer helps to improve skin tone, makes some pore reduction and wrinkle filling.
Before and after
Please disregard that second picture (after the base) looks more awake and consider only the overall skin tone. What I could notice is that redness around the nose is reduced and skin looks more evenly coloured.

However, in order to confirm this conclusions some macro-images of the problematic areas were necessary.
I took the picture of the area close to my nostrils - because there I always have some redness and large pores and second one - zoom of the area on the forehead, where I have a lot of very small wrinkles because of mimic.

I could state then that pores look smaller after the base, as well as redness is reduced a little bit. On the forehead picture I outlined areas of special interest - wrinkles close to the middle area and red spot after having a blemish day.
Before and after -less red and less porous (if you love dermatology you can enlarge this pictures)

Before and after - more even colour, wrinkles are filled 
It was possible to demonstrate that primer can improve skin tone, fill small wrinkles and pores. Obvious advantage of the Clarins primer for this investigation is presented by firm solid-like texture (difficult to overdose) and economic considerations (pea size is enough to prime all face so 15 ml jar will be fine for 6 month).

Disclosure: no image processing with Photoshop or other software was performed on the pictures.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Would I buy again? No idea, it is the only base which I have used, so I have to try something else for comparison may be. Your advices on this subject are very welcome!


  1. Thank you for this wonderful posting and your work with it!
    I'm also very interested in the Lisse Minute, thank you for the before and after comparison with the pics; the change is visible and amazing.

    At the moment I use the L'Oréal Professional Studio Secrets Primer and I'm very contented with it. Next time, I'll try the Clarins one!

    LG Britta

  2. You are very welcome, Britta!
    I'm happy too with this primer,but I think it is a bit expensive (but actually calculating is like 4 EUR/month) :)
